پاورپوینت اول : Pavement Thickness Design
- Comprehensive Pavement Design Manual (PDM)
- CPDM-Other Areas
- Rigid Pavt. (PCC)
- Flexible Pavt. (HMA)
- Material Design-Asphalt
- Perpetual Pavement
- Carbon Footprint of HMA and PCC Pavements
- Why the Difference
- Other “Greener” Pavements
- Basis for Thickness Design
- Rigid Pavements-ESAL
- Flexible Pavement-ESAL
- Determining ESAL-Simple Method (worksheet on 4-9)
- ESAL Method-Steps
- Example: Steps
پاورپوینت دوم Concrete Pavement:
- Basic Components of a Concrete Pavement
- How Pavements Carry Loads
- Conventional Concrete Pavement Types
- Concrete Design “Optimize”
- Subbase vs. NO Subbase
- Concrete Mix Design
- Panel Design
- Jointing
- Dowels or NO Dowels
- Surface Texture
- Construction – Reconstruction
- Overlays
- Concrete Resurfacing Applications
- Unbonded Overlay
- Conventional Whitetopping
- Typical Whitetopping Thickness
- Harding Street – Indianapolis
- Allisonville Road
- UTW Schematic
- Market & Columbia Streets – Warsaw
- Flexible pavements
- Rigid pavements
- Semi rigid pavements
- Design factors
- Reqirement of good pavement
- California bearing ratio (CBR)
پاورپوینت چهارم : THE QUIET PAVEMENT
- The Decibel Scale
- Noise Walls
- Surface Texture
- Reduce Noise and Improve Visibility
- Noise ReductionOpen vs Dense Graded Mixes
- Effect of Pavement Surface
پاورپوینت پنجم : Rigid Pavement Design
- Rigid Pavement Design Spreadsheet: Features
- Systems Requirements
- Using The RPD Software
- Users of the RPD Software
- Benefits of Rigid Pavement Design Software
- Types of Pavements
- Wheel Load Distribution
- Components of Flexible Pavement
- Function and Significance of Subgrade Properties
- Cut and Fill Sections
- Desirable Properties of Soil as Subgrade Material
- Subgrade Performance
- Subgrade Soil Strength
- Flexible Pavement Design
- Factors for design of pavements
- Pavement Responses Under Load
- Equal Single Wheel Load (ESWL)
- Axle Configurations
- Truck Configuration
- Standard Axle
- Evaluation Of Pavement Component Layers
- Wearing Course
- Traffic Data
- Design Life
- Vehicle Damage Factor (VDF)
- CBR Testing Machine
- Equipments For CBR Test
- Load vs Penetration
- Subgrade
- Sub-base
- Base Course
- Bituminous Surfacing
پاورپوینت هفتم : Pavement Design
- Types of pavement structures
- Asphalt pavement design method
- Rigid pavement design method
پاورپوینت هشتم : PAVEMENT DESIGN
- What is a Pavement?
- Functions of the Pavement
- Requirements of pavement structure
- Classification of Pavements
- Types of Pavement
- Flexible Pavements
- Rigid Pavements
- Pavements Comparison
- Load Distribution In Flexible Pavements
- Structure of Flexible Pavement
- Surface Course
- Sub-base Course
- Sub-grade
- Types of Flexible Pavement
- Flexible Pavement – Construction
- Basic Components of Concrete Pavement
- Concrete paver
- Types of Rigid Pavement
- Types of Pavement Failure
- Airport-Highway Pavements
پاورپوینت نهم : Pavement Design
- AASHTO Pavement Design Method Considerations
- Two Categories of Roadway Pavements
- Advantages of Rigid Pavement
- Disadvantages of Rigid Pavement
- Flexible Pavement Typical Applications
- Basic AASHTO Flexible Pavement Design Method
- Variables included in Nomographs
پاورپوینت دهم : Pavement Design
- Pavement Purpose
- Pavement Significance
- Pavement Condition
- Pavement Types
- Pavement Design
- Example
پاورپوینت یازدهم : highway construction ( اسلاید های این پاورپوینت به صورت تصویر می باشد و متن داخل آنها قابل ویرایش نیست ولی مطالب ، تصاویر و جداول مفیدی داخل این پاورپوینت وجود دارد )
پاورپوینت دوازدهم : pavement analysis and design ( اسلاید های این پاورپوینت هم به صورت تصویر می باشد و متن داخل آنها قابل ویرایش نیست ولی مطالب و تصاویر مفیدی داخل این پاورپوینت وجود دارد )